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How can I increase my fertility with varicocele?

The aim of varicocele treatment is to stop the blood from building up. This can be done by either closing off the vein using minimally-invasive procedures (embolization) or by carrying out surgery to cut or tie off the vein. These procedures stop blood flowing through the affected vein. It then flows through healthy, nearby veins instead.


It usually takes about a day to recover from procedures to close off the vein. But surgical procedures can have side effects, including bruising, infections and nerve damage: 1) The duct that carries the sperm cells from the testicles to the penis (the “vas deferens”) is only very rarely damaged, 2) A build-up of fluid in the testicles (hydrocele) is another possible side effect, 3) Certain kinds of embolization (sclerotherapy) can sometimes harm nearby blood vessels. Also, varicoceles can also come back again after treatment.