Instructions for IUI


The first step towards an IUI is providing a semen sample.  It is not unlike collecting a sample for a semen analysis, however as the sperm will be used for direct insemination the cleanliness of the sample is important. Any saliva, some lubricants, and vaginal secretions can negatively affect sperm quality.  Therefore, the preferred collection method is masturbation. If masturbation is not an option, for religious or other reasons, one can use a special collection condom and collect the sample during intercourse. 


As with a regular semen collection, a 3-7 day period of abstinence of ejaculation is recommended.  This can increase the quality of the sample.  


A previously frozen sample may also be used for IUI.  This may be helpful for those who find it difficult to provide a sample under stress, or if the male partner is out of town when the woman ovulates.  

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