Medical History

The very first step in evaluating the fertility of a patient is receiving a thorough medical history.  The evaluating doctor will ask about previous evaluations, sexual habits, and how long the couple has been trying to achieve a pregnancy.  They will also ask for a detailed sexual history, in order to determine that the patient understands about optimal intercourse timing, and that no sperm-toxic lubricants or drugs are used. Any previous infections, sexually transmitted diseases, and childhood illnesses should be disclosed, as they may be relevant to the diagnosis.  


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Oligoasthenoteratozoospermia (OAT) is a common cause of male subfertility.  It is a condition which includes oligozoospermia, asthenozoospermia, and teratozoospermia.  In other words, the patient’s diagnosis

Testicular Anatomy

Within the oval-shaped testicle are several different bundles of cells, each of which contributes to sperm production and male sexual development in a unique way.

Maturation Arrest

Maturation arrest is defined as germ cells that fail to complete maturation to sperm cells. Limited data exist to characterize men with maturation arrest. Maturation

Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis

Preimplantation genetic diagnosis, or PGD, is a diagnostic technique used together with IVF.  PGD is used in cases where the parents are at risk of

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